E-mail options


You need to setup your email configuration in "Option->E-mail" page if you wanna use the email/sms notification function.


Outgoing mail server (SMTP): Fill in the SMTP server by your mail service provider, such as smtp.rockrosesoft.com.

Port: Port of the SMTP server, default value is 25.

Account name: Fill in the name of your mail account in this mail service, such as Ralph.

Password: Password of the mailbox.

Email address: E-mail address, such as Ralph@rockrosesoft.com.

My server requires authentication: Whether authentication for sending mails is required by the mail server.


If you have a Gmail account and you wanna use this account to send email/sms notifications in Jingle, you need to click the I use Gmail button on the left. The Outgoing mail server (SMTP) and Port will be set by Jingle automatically when you click this button, then only you need to fill in Account name, Password and Email address properly.


After filling this information, you can click the Send a test email button on the right to test whether you can connect to the configured mail server and send email successfully.


Retry times: How many times should Jingle try before aborting. The default value is 5 times. If Jingle caní»t succeed in sending the reminder after this retry times, the event will be moved to the Error log window for you to handle.